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Food Fantry Volunteer - Morning Shift
Caldwell Corps

We need food pantry volunteers on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Responsibilities include:

Stocking shelves and sorting food before the Pantry opens.

Required of a Food Pantry Volunteer:

Ability to move around in close quarters

Ability to lift up to 30 lbs and place food items on shelves

Ability to follow directions

Ability to assist driver with loading and/or unloading truck

Patience and Positivity

Punctual and Reliable

Let us know which day you prefer to volunteer.

Email: [email protected]

Volunteer Now!  

When: This opportunity is ongoing

Where: Caldwell Corps
1015 East Chicago Street
Caldwell, ID 83605-3406

Good Fit For: Adults, Seniors

Questions? Angela Clark
(208) 459-2011
Send an Email

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