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Christmas Assistance Interviews
The Salvation Army Concord Corps

We're sorry, but this opportunity is in the past and online registration is closed for this opportunity. You may select a different opportunity, or you may contact the volunteer coordinator to see if any other opportunities are available in your area.

Volunteers will help interview families that are applying for a Christmas food box and gifts for their children. Volunteers must be personable, patient, have legible writing, and detailed to complete the forms. Bi-lingual skills - Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Tagalog, anything - would be helpful but not required. Volunteers must understand that everything shared must be kept confidential.

When: 9/9/2024 - 9/13/2024

Where: The Salvation Army Concord Corps
3950 Clayton Road
Concord, CA 94521

Good Fit For: Adults, Seniors, Groups

Restrictions: These interviews will be done in person. Masks not required, but understand that there will be many people in a closed room.

Questions? Major AnnMarguerite Jones
(925) 676-6180 x002
Send an Email

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