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Volunteer in our Fresh Friday Produce Market!
Boise Corps

We're sorry, but this opportunity is in the past and online registration is closed for this opportunity. You may select a different opportunity, or you may contact the volunteer coordinator to see if any other opportunities are available in your area.

Our Fresh Friday Produce Market is a client choice market with fresh fruits and veggies offered for free for our clients in need.

It is an amazing opportunity to give back to your community!

We are in need of volunteers to man tents and help the clients pick out their fresh produce.

When: 6/7/2024 - 9/6/2024

Where: Boise Corps
9492 West Emerald Street
Boise, ID 83704

Good Fit For: Adults, Seniors, Families

Questions? Amanda Bruderer
(208) 383-4232
Send an Email

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