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Christmas Giveaway - Angel Tree Families
The Salvation Army Concord Community Church

We are sorry, but all shifts are full and registration for this opportunity is currently closed.

We will need a full crew to help with the various tasks of the day. From logistics in the parking lot and traffic flow, to loading food and produce, to locating gift bags and delivering it to the correct families. It will take a well-synched operation to make this happen. We need energetic, friendly, and flexible people for these jobs.This will be a drive-thru system so please be prepared for the weather. These will be physical and active jobs. (Bi-lingual - Spanish-speakers - would be helpful with logistics.)

When: 12/14/2023 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Where: The Salvation Army Concord Community Church
3950 Clayton Road
Concord , CA 94521

Good Fit For: Adults, Teens, Seniors, Families, Groups

Restrictions: Must be at least 15 years old and be able to do some heavy lifting.

Questions? Major AnnMarguerite Jones
(925) 676-6180 x 002
Send an Email

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