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Christmas Sign-Ups - Interviews
The Salvation Army Concord Corps

We're sorry, but this opportunity is in the past and online registration is closed for this opportunity. You may select a different opportunity, or you may contact the volunteer coordinator to see if any other opportunities are available in your area.

Volunteers will help interview families that are applying for a Christmas food box and gifts for their children. Some clients may also include seniors who are also in need. Volunteers must be personable, patient, have legible writing, and detailed to complete the forms. A few volunteers may even have an opportunity to do data entry. Bi-lingual skills - Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Tagalog, anything - would be helpful but not required. Spanish is the most needed. Please appreciate that everything must be kept confidential.

When: 9/25/2023 - 9/29/2023

Where: The Salvation Army Concord Corps
3950 Clayton Road
Concord, CA 94521

Good Fit For: Adults, Seniors, Groups

Restrictions: These interviews will be done in person. Mask not required, but understand that there will be many people in a closed room.

Questions? Major AnnMarguerite Jones
(925) 676-6180 x002
Send an Email

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