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2022 Thanksgiving Dinner-Phoenix Convention Center
Phoenix Convention Center South Building

We are sorry, but all shifts are full and registration for this opportunity is currently closed.

For over 30 years The Salvation Army, the volunteers and their corporate partners have provided wonderful holiday meals on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

This year we will provide approximately 5,500 hot sit-down plated meals at the South Building of the Phoenix Convention Center. In addition, our volunteers will home deliver 8,000 meals and specially prepare another 2,000 meals that will be used at other locations in the Valley.

Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of ways to make the holidays memorable for our neighbors in need. Your assistance is essential as we cook, package, and plate meals; create a festive environment by decorating the Phoenix Convention Center, South Building, organize activities that include hair styling, games, coloring, family photos, meeting Santa Claus, and setting up the various areas for the guests before they arrive, serving the meal to guests and delivering meals to homebound people.

When: 11/1/2022 - 11/30/2022

Where: Phoenix Convention Center South Building
100 N 3rd Street
Phoenix , AZ 85004

Good Fit For: Adults, Teens, Seniors, Families

Restrictions: Volunteers must be 16 to work in the kitchen. volunteers must be 12 to help in the room of Joy.

Questions? Vanessa Mortemore
(602) 267-4117
Send an Email

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