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Hope Market and Warehouse Assistance
Spokane Citadel Corps Family Resource Center

We need volunteers to help at The Salvation Army Hope Market. The Food Bank doors open to shoppers at 9:00am and welcomes guests until 4:15pm.

Volunteers are needed from 8:30am through 5:00pm Monday through Friday to assist guests with their shopping. Volunteers may also be asked to assist with sorting foods from the warehouse.

Volunteers must be over 18 years of age, minors under the age of 18 are welcome if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Groups wishing to volunteer are welcome as well. For your safety, you will be required to wear close toed shoes. Please avoid clothing with logos of any type.

You will be contacted shortly after registration to schedule a meeting to complete a volunteer application and to discuss a potential schedule.

Volunteer Now!  

When: This opportunity is ongoing

Where: Spokane Citadel Corps Family Resource Center
204 E Indiana Ave
Spokane, WA 99207

Good Fit For: Adults, Teens, Seniors, Groups

Restrictions: Must be at least 15 years old and be able to lift at least 20 pounds

Questions? Mary Gayle Johnson
(509) 329-2721
Send an Email

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