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Admistrative Assisstance this Christmas
Tustin Ranch Corps

We're sorry, but this opportunity is in the past and online registration is closed for this opportunity. You may select a different opportunity, or you may contact the volunteer coordinator to see if any other opportunities are available in your area.

Every year The Salvation Army in Orange County looks to help as many families in need as possible. We rely on the work of our volunteers to accomplish that goal. We need help answering calls and inputting clients' applicantion data into our software to ensure each family will get gifts this Christmas. Each applicant must be comfortable navigating computer programs such as Excel, will be entering client data into an online case management software. Training will be given.

(You can volunteer for this opportunity remotely)

When: 10/5/2020 - 11/27/2020

Where: There are several locations
listed for this opportunity

Good Fit For: Adults

Questions? Oliver Nunn
(714) 832-7100
Send an Email

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