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Volunteer Opportunities
The Salvation Army Redding Corps Community Center

Thank you for your interest in volunteer work. Tasks may include: Answering Phones, Helping with Distribution, Help Moving & Packing donated food, Simple janitorial help, Packing of Weekly Food Pantry Bags and Food Boxes. You must be able to stand for 1 hour at a time, follow directions, be available as needed. Also, Moving boxes of Donations. You must be able to lift up to 40 lbs Be on-call as needed and be helping hands with a variety of tasks changing weekly. Call to be placed on our schedule 530-222-2207 Press 4

Volunteer Now!  

When: This opportunity is ongoing

Where: The Salvation Army Redding Corps Community Center
2691 Larkspur Lane
Redding, CA 96002

Good Fit For: Adults, Seniors

Questions? Administration
(530) 222-2207
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