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The Salvation Army The Dalles Shopping Food Pantry
The Salvation Army The Dalles Corps

We are sorry, but all shifts are full and registration for this opportunity is currently closed.

The Salvation Army provides emergency food to help those in need. We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm and are looking for volunteers to assist us at the food pantry. If you are interested, you must first obtain a volunteer packet which includes a background check. You can stop by The Salvation Army at 811 East Second St.. The Dalles to pick up a packet. If you have questions call Kris (541) 296-6417

When: This opportunity is ongoing

Where: The Salvation Army The Dalles Corps
623 E. 3rd Ave.
The Dalles , OR 97058

Good Fit For: Adults, Seniors

Restrictions: Must be able to lift 50 lbs. Adults 18 years and older.

Questions? Kris Harmon
(541) 296-6417
Send an Email

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